As a website-as-a-service provider, we understand the importance of privacy and compliance for not-for-profit organizations. That's why we're excited to introduce Wings Analytics, a self-hosted server running Matomo.

As a website-as-a-service provider, we understand the importance of privacy and compliance for not-for-profit organizations. That's why we're excited to introduce Wings Analytics, a self-hosted server running Matomo.
Wings is a website-as-a-service platform for progressive organizations and campaigns. Our setup has a couple of unique characteristics, that may help you evaluate if Wings is right for you.
If you want to take your digital organizing to the next level, you need to be able to connect various online services. The video below shows you how to recruit volunteers when you launch an online petition with Wings. It is as easy as adding a checkbox that says "I want to volunteer", and using Wings's Webhooks support to send these submissions to a service like Trello, which lets you automatically create todo's, assign coworkers who should follow up on these tasks, and even add a due date set 2 days in the future.
As a progressive movement or charity organization, you are in the business of building engagement.
Engagement can take many forms. People may:
Since the emergence of the web, nonprofits were faced with the challenge of creating models of engagement that are compatible with the way people communicate and form relationships online. They need to build a ladder of engagement – and if you are looking to construct one for your progressive organization, this article may help you on your way.
Do you want to create a petition website for your non-profit? That is usually a great idea, as petitions can help you create awareness for your cause and build a movement.
As a digital strategist or campaigner for a progressive nonprofit, you need to turn a multitude of online services, tools and applications into a finely tuned campaigning powerhouse.
You have to reach people using social media, word-of-mouth, canvassing campaigns and ads, in order to allow them to take a first step on a ladder of engagement and convert them into fans, supporters, donors, activists and members. And webhooks are a great tool to help make that happen.